Sunday, May 3, 2009

Meet the Planning Team- Paul Virgin

Paul Virgin

has taught mathematics for 24 years 20 of them in the south end of the district at Oltman, CGJH and Park. He has coached varsity Football, Basketball and Softball on and off for all 24 years. He is a member of the MCTM and NCTM along with serving on many state and local committees to improve mathematics education in the state of Minnesota. He is also a member of the MNHSCA and has been the president of the High School Softball Coaches for the state of Minnesota for the past three years.

Paul graduated high school from South St. Paul. He earned his under graduate degree from the University of Minnesota, Duluth and his Masters from Winona State University. He has been married to his beautiful wife for 23 years and has been blessed by two wonderful children Philip (11) and Michael (10). Both of their children will be attending East Ridge. In his spare time he enjoys golf and any other outdoor activities as long as he is with his family and friends.

The planning and opening of East Ridge feels right to Paul and he is thrilled to have such great support from out administration and parents. He feels the community we are building is going to be something special.

The one thing he would like families to know about him is that he is very passionate about education and our roles as parents, teachers, coaches and community members. He also feels like East Ridge is the place for him.

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